Little Darlings Playgroup Admissions Protocol

This protocol enables our admissions procedure to safeguard the validity of the Craighouse School Educational Project, in accordance with Article 19 No. 11 of the Chilean Constitution with reference to academic freedom.

This document includes the following items:

1. General objective
2. Admissions evaluation
3. Final selection
4. Reapplying
5. Required documents
6. Dates of process


1.1 Qualitative objective

To offer high-quality play-based preschool education to the highest number of applicants who wish to participate. In the application process, preference will be given to siblings of current Craighouse School pupils, followed by children of Craighouse School old girls and boys, and school staff.

Gender parity will be considered in each group, with a difference margin between girls and boys.

1.2 Quantitative objective

Every year there are 75 places available to be assigned to those families who qualify, as a result of the child’s evaluation and the parents’ interview. If not enough families qualify, places will be left vacant.

Craighouse families with other children in the school will be accepted automatically, unless the evaluation shows serious difficulties in terms of comprehensive and expressive language, communication difficulties, and/or developmental delay. In situations like these the school will study the possibility of accepting the child via the Integration Programme, always considering whether she/he will benefit from our Educational Project, which includes total immersion in English from Prekinder.


a)         An observation of the child will be carried out, accompanied by their mother or father. The objective of this observation is to determine if the child has developed a comprehensive maturity of their abilities for their admission into the Little Darlings Playgroup.

b)  Children will be accompanied by their parents to the corresponding classroom. Inside the room, teachers will receive children together with their parents.

c)         The children’s observation process lasts approximately one pedagogical hour. The children take part in different classroom activities such as story reading, group games, shared snack, graphomotor activities, free time in the playground, etc. These activities are in charge of two Preschool teachers of the school, one representative of the formative area and the special needs teacher.

d)  During the same hour, parents talk with the Director of the Little Darlings Playgroup in order to share and understand the expectations of applicants to Little Darlings Playgroup.

e)    At the end of the observation stage, parents will receive the results by email.


Those families who have been accepted must sign a document indicating that they have read, accept and agree with the Educational Project and the policies and programmes of Little Darlings Playgroup, as well as all the documents that they must sign as the child’s official guardian. In addition, taking part in Little Darlings Playgroup does not exempt or replace in any way the formal Craighouse School admissions process, which has its own independent admissions protocol.


If a family is not accepted in Little Darlings Playgroup due to unavailable places, they may begin the formal Craighouse School admissions process.



The parent must fill in a pre-registration form

The parent must also include a birth certificate ( if the applicant is Chilean. If the applicant is foreign, the parent must include a copy of the cédula de identidad for foreigners or a copy of the passport.

The parent must also email the following documents to the Admissions Officer, at

1. Birth certificate
2. Preschool report
3. If the applicant is undergoing treatment with a specialist, evaluations and certificate of development.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Parents who present a pre-registration form accept the submission of this document will not automatically result in the child’s entry to the school, and that the preference, evaluation, and selection criteria mentioned in this protocol must be fulfilled, as well as the availability of places.


Registrations: The application process for Little Darlings Playgroup 2025 starts on Monday, July 22, 2024.
Pupils’ assessment: During August of the year of application.